曾迎春 博士
邮箱:zengyc@zucc.edu.cn 办公地址:浙大城市学院北校区理2-413
研究方向 :肿瘤护理(Oncology Nursing)、认知康复(Cognitive Rehabilitation)、人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence)
曾迎春,美国护理科学院院士,香港理工大学博士合作导师。发表英文SCI论文70余篇。曾荣获中华护理学会科技奖三等奖以及国际护理荣誉协会杰出护理研究奖。获得国家发明专利1项以及相关VR软著5件。主持国家自然科学基金1项,广东省科技厅科研基金1项,其他省市和校级科研基金5项。目前担任高水平英文杂志-Journal of Cancer Survivorship的副主编,担任护理英文SCI杂志-APJON(亚太肿瘤护理杂志)人工智能在癌症照护专刊的客座编辑,担任英文SCI杂志Integrative Cancer Therapies和APJON编委以及中文核心期刊《护理学报》编委。同时担任数十本护理学顶级学术期刊如International Journal of Nursing Studies的评审专家。
Professional Biography
Dr Zeng is a Fellow of American Academy of Nursing (FAAN), and co-supervisor of Doctor of Health Sciences at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Her main research interest is in applying artificial intelligence in cancer survivorship care. Supported by seven funded research projects, more than 70 publications in international peer-reviewed healthcare journals, owned two patents and five VR software’s Copyright. The results of her sustained research have made continuous impact on improving the quality-of-life cancer survivors. Dr Zeng is a board member of Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, and Integrative Cancer Therapies, and is an Associate Editor of Journal of Cancer Survivorship. Dr Zeng reviews many top nursing journals such as International Journal of Nursing Studies.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(72004039):基于VR和机器学习的癌症相关认知障碍精准康复模式构建与实证研究(2021-2023)
Selected Grants
1. Zeng YC. Project title: Construction and Empirical Research of Precision Rehabilitation Model of Cancer-related Cognitive Impairment Based on VR and Machine Learning Technologies. Funding Body: National Natural Science Foundation of China. (Total amount: 240,000RMB) (PI) (72004039). (2021.01-2023.12)
1. 作为第一发明人获得国家发明专利:基于虚拟现实的癌症相关认知障碍评估与康复训练系统;专利号:201110335127.5;授权:中国
Selected Patent
1. National Invention Patent: Name of utility model: Virtual Reality-based system for cancer-related cognitive impairment assessment and rehabilitation. Patent number: ZL2021 1 0746318.4. Authorization announcement number: CN 113413532 b. Authorization date: March 1, 2022.
发表论文/Selected publications
1. Zeng YC. (2022)Journal of Cancer Survivorship: Research and Practice Invitation to submit to Special Section: Innovative Approaches to Cognitive Concerns in Cancer Survivors. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, in press.
2. Zeng YC, Zeng LH*, Zhang C, Cheng ASK. (2022) The metaverse in cancer care: Application and Challenges. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, in press.
3. Zeng YC, Zeng LH, Cheng ASK*, Wei X, Wang B, Jiang J, Zhou J*. (2022) The Use of Immersive Virtual Reality for Cancer-Related Cognitive Impairment Assessment and Rehabilitation: A Clinical Feasibility Study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, in press.
4. Wu XM, Guan Q, Cheng ASK, Guan C, Su Y, Jiang J, Wang B*,Zeng LH, Zeng YC*. (2022) Machine learning models for predicting the risk of breast cancer-related lymphedema in Chinese women. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, in press.
5. Cheng ASK, Wang X, Niu N, Liang M, Zeng YC*. (2022) Neuropsychological interventions for cancer-related cognitive impairment: A network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Neuropsychology Review, in press.
教学与课程/Teaching Curriculum
目前担任本科生课程:《护理研究》(Nursing Research)、《护理导论》(Introduction to Nursing)等教学课程。
社会兼职/Academic social roles
Leading roles in nursing professional associations
Associate Chair of Academic and Foreign Exchange Working Committee, Guangdong Nursing Association
Vice President of Research and Studying Abroad Chapters of Guangdong Nurse Association
Member: Chinese Nursing Association; Pi Iota Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
Member: International Cognition and Cancer Task Force (ICCTF)
Member: International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS)